政治才能與語言修養息息相關。Earl Long說:Don''t write anything you phone, don''t phone anything you talk face to face, don''t talk anything you smile, don''t smile anything you wink and don''t wink anything you od.(能夠在電話里談的事情千萬不要寫在白紙上﹔當面能談的事情千萬不要在電話里說﹔輕輕一笑能帶過去的就千萬別嘮叨﹔眨眨眼睛示意一下既然行了,那就不要微笑﹔點頭可以了事的則不必使眼色)。語言誠可貴,無言是上策。羅斯福曰:Never, never, you must never remind a man at work on a political job that he may be president. It almost always kills him politically. He loses his nerve; he ''t do his work; he gives up the very traits that are making him a possibility.(萬萬不可提醒政界任事的人說他會當總統,一說則仕途幾必盡毀。他會變得膽怯,辦不了事﹔連一些可能使他當選的脾性特點都不見了)。