正文 在市集上(At The Fair)

在市集上(At The Fair)







At The Fair

There came to the Fair a girl from the try-side, most ely. There was a lily and a rose in her face. There was a su in her hair, and dawn smiled upon her lips.

No sooner did the lovely stranger appear in their sight than the young men sought her and surrounded her. One would dah her, and another would cut a cake in her honour. And they all desired to kiss her cheek. For after all, was it not the Fair?

But the girl was shocked and started, and she thought ill of the young men. She rebuked them, and she even strue or two of them in the face. Then she ran away from them.

And on her way home that evening she was saying in her heart, "I am disgusted. How unmannerly and ill bred are these men. It is beyond all patience."

A year passed during which that very ely girl thought much of Fairs ahen she came again to the Fair with the lily and the rose in her face, the su in her hair and the smile of dawn upon her lips.

But now the young men, seeiurned from her. And all the day long she was unsought and alone.

And at eventide as she walked the road toward her home she cried in her heart, "I am disgusted. How unmannerly and ill bred are these youths. It is beyond all patience."
