
Isaiah Berlin 最好看的一本書是Personal Impressions。Personal Impressions 里最好看的一篇文章是Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1946。昨天晚上我翻箱找書,找不到要找的那一本,卻邂逅了這一本十幾年前出版的老書。我二十幾年前就喜歡讀Berlin,這一本是一九八一年我重到倫敦的時候買的。旅行途中斷斷續續讀完全書,回來不但經常重讀,文章里也引用了書中一些資料。余英時先生熟讀Berlin的著作,一眼認出出處,來信提到這位英國著名文化學者、著名教授的如椽大筆。Berlin這篇長文從一九四五年他在華盛頓英國大使館短期工作寫起。那年夏天,大使館要臨時調派他到英國駐莫斯科大使館去工作幾個月,理由是那邊人手不足,而他又諳俄文,過去在美國參加過一些國際問題會議,了解美國對蘇的各種不同看法。大使館認為他可以暫時補一補缺,直到新年專人到任為止。當時二次大戰已經結束了。Berlin的英文乾凈利落,平實之中俱見學養和文采,讀來舒服:

In the summer of 1945,while I was w as a temporary official in the British Embassy in Washington,I was informed that I was to be seded to our Mosbassy for a few months:the reason given was that it was short-handed,and since I knew Russian,and had, at the San Francisco ference (and long before it), learnt something of official and unofficial Ameri attitudes to the soviet Union, I might be of some use in filling a gap until the New Year when Someone less amateur would be free to e. The war was over...

Berlin在蘇聯所見的兩位作家是Anna Akhmatova和Boris Pasternak。那時期,蘇聯人民剛剛遭受希特勒的蹂躪,史大林時代的極權專政方興未艾,可是,蘇聯的文學藝術繁花似錦,不論創作不論理論都果實纍纍,繼承二十世紀初的盛況發展延續。物質貧乏,思想蓬勃,文藝工作者在莫斯科的寒夜裡為維護人性的尊嚴和創作的自由上下求索。政治的冷風吹亂了人的心緒。Berlin於是在這篇長文的文首引了女詩人Anna Akhmatova日記里的幾句話:「記憶求連貫,每每弄真反假。人的記憶不能順序逐一重溫舊事。書信日記其實經常是無補於事的」(「Every attempt to produce Coherent memories amounts to falsification. No human memory is sed as to recollect everything in tinuous sequence. Letters and diaries often turn out to be bad assistants」)。

Berlin小時候在俄國,一九一九年十歲跟家人出國之後沒有回過故居。這次他在莫斯科、在列寧格勒跟這兩位作家會面長談,親眼看到他們生活和寫作的境遇,彼此由淺交變成深交,深深改變了他的人生觀。他說:事後多年,只要看到他們的名字,聽到人家說起他們,都會清楚記起他們臉上的表情,他們的手勢、他們說的話。到今天,一讀到他們寫的東西,竟彷彿又聽到他們的聲音(「When I see their names in print, or hear them mentioned, I remember vividly the expressions oheir faces, their gestures and their words. When I read their writingsI , to this day, hear the sound of their voices」)。
