正文 第二部分:從漢語到英語 從漢語到英語

From ese into English










羅伯特?佩恩(Robert Payne)是這樣翻譯的:

I slept in spring not scious of the dawn,

But heard the gay birds chattering all around,

I remember, there was a storm at night.

Pray, how many blossoms have fallen down?


This morn of spring in bed I』m lying,

Not to awake till birds are g.

After one night of wind and showers,

How many are the fallen flowers!



It was so beautiful. I love it. It was wonderful. Haidi, this was a joy to read and I was excited to read every line. Your imagination is so vivid and thoughtful. Yes, remember our versations, 「What is the meaning of life?」 Well, you have a clear idea. Those memories last forever. They do. Don』t they?


不過,Jerry 的信並沒有讓我感到欣慰,我覺得Jerry作為美國人也許還不能透徹地理解我的本意,他只是讀懂了這個故事。怎樣才能讓外國人真正理解這個故事呢?我繼續修改文章,還請另一位美國朋友Margaret幫我提意見。我想,Margaret是女性,她也許會從另一個角度理解這個故事。在和他們討論這篇文章的時候,我覺得自己對漢譯英有了更大的興趣——漢語和英語畢竟是兩種語言,怎麼才能譯得更好呢?

下面是Jerry 和Margaret幫我修改過的散文。我真希望有人能再將它譯成中文,看看在別人的筆下它會變成一個什麼樣的故事:

In a small town, I lived in a very large courtyard. The courtyard was se that people in big cities could not have imagihe size. It was as large as two football fields. There was a row of siory houses where our two families lived. The courtyard was bathed in bright sunshine, so my neighbrew various kinds of vegetables: cucumber, eggplant, haricot bean, tomatoes, and hot green peppers. In the summer the open ground was colorful; the red, the green, the purple and the e formed a beautiful pattern. Our red roof houses with a sharp tower reflected the suns brightness, and the big doors and windows were painted sky blue as if the houses were built of colorful toy bricks as in the fairy tales.

Usually the courtyard was quiet, and sometimes it was so quiet that you could feel that it was so spacious, yet empty. I loved reading in the courtyard where the sunshine was mild and the air was fresh. I sat under a big tree where the leaves breathed perfume of greenness and tenderness.

There was a black dog, he was a big watchdog. To me he was friendly and when I was reading he would always lie beside my wheelchair. Sometimes I felt the book was dull, so I would ra
