
All Le Corbusier drawings and photographs on the following pages are ©FLC/ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2006. pp.9, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60-61, 63r, 64, 66, 165, 240, 242, 243, 244

p.9 ©FLC; p.14 ©Digital Image Mies van der Rohe/Gift of the Arch./MOMA/Scala ©DACS, London 2006; p.19 Balthazar Korab; p.21 Bayerisches Haupstaatsarchiv; p.23 Nigel Young/Foster and Partners; p.24 BPK, Berlin: p.27 courtesy of Bernhard Leitner from ''The Wittgenstein House'' by Bernhard Leitner, Prion Architectural Press, 2000; pp.30-31 Philippa Lewis/Edifice; p.32l A.F. Kersting; p.32r Gillian Darley/Edifice; p.33l A.F. Kersting; p.33r © Cht/NMR; pp.35,36 A.F. Kersting; p.37 ©.visitrid.co.uk; p.38 A.F. Kersting; pp.40-41 Stapleton Colle; p.43t © Cht/NMR; p.44 Irish Architectural Archive; p.45 ©NTPL/Matthew Antrobus; pp.48-9 Institute of Civil Engineers; p.50 Cameraphoto Arte, Venice; pp.52-3 Fot; p.54 A.F. Kersting; p.59 ©FLC; pp.60-61, 63r ©FLC; p.63l Alaiton; p.64 DaimlerChrysler Classic, Corporate Archives; p.66 ©FLC; p.69t Bauhaus Archive; p.69c Bridgeman Art Library; p.69b Christie''s Images; p.70 Palladium Photodesign, Barbara Burg/Oliver Shuh; p.71l Margherita Spiluttini; p.71r Jean Nouvel; p.72l Porcelain Museum, Prunn, Telemark; p.72r Bridgeman Art Library/Hermitage Museum; p.74 Michael Shanly Homes; p.75 ©Nacasa & Partners; p.77 Bernhard Leitner; p.79 Henry Moore Foundation; p.80tl Tate Gallery ©ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London 2006; p.80tr Jasper Morrison Ltd; p.80cl Barford Sculptures ©photo John Riddy; p.80cr Alaiton ©DACS, London 2006; p.80bl Waddington Galleries/photo Prudence g Associates ©Donald Judd Foundation/Vaga, NY/DACS, London 2006; p.80br Roland Halbe/Artur; p.83 Sotheby''s New York ©Bowness, Hepworth Estate; p.84br Christie''s Images; p.8599lib•tl Gillian Darley/Edifice; p.85tr Hijjas Kasturi; p.85bl Kate Gibson; p.85br AKG Images; p.86 Philip de Bay; p.88bl Marewson/Ideal Standard; p.88bc bristan.; p.88br tapshop.co.uk; p.89b Christie''s Images; p.91l Alinari; p.91r Fot; p.92t RIBA; p.92b Heinrich Heidersberger/Artur; p.94r ©Gordon Beal/O&M Ungers; p.95tl Martin Charles; p.95tr Johner, Photonica/Getty Images; p.95bl A.F. Kersting; p.95br © Cht/NMR; p.99 Philippa Lewis/Edifice; pp.102-3 James Morris; p.105 Bernhard Leitner; p.110l Alaiton; p.110r ©Jarrold Publishing aminster Cathedral, reproduced by permission of the publisher; p.111 Scala; p.113 Atelier Michel Jolyot; p.115t AKG Images/Gérard Degee; p.115b Werner Forman Archive; p.116 Alaiton; p.120 Agengalill Snitt; p.122 Scottish National Galleries of Art; p.124 Fortean Picture Library; p.125 Luda Lambton/Arcaid; pp.127, 128-9, 130 Cameraphoto Arte, Venezia; p.133 A.F. Kersting; p.134 Henning Marks/Edifice; p.138 iluttini; p.176-7 Jolly Hotel Lotti; p.179 Österreichisationalbibliothek ©Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge; p.181t Fritz von der Schulenburg/Interior Archive; p.181b RIBA; p.184 iStockphoto/Nancy Lou; p.186 Courtauld Institute of Art; p.187 Cameraphoto Arte Venezia; p.188l David Foreman/iStockphoto; p.188terior Archive; p.188r Agengalill Snitt; p.189 Christian Richter; p.190t Ivar Hagendoorn; p.190b J. Kaman/Travel-Images.; pp.192-3 Krier Kohl Archives; p.194 Klaus Kinold; p.197 Norman McGrath; p.198 Margherita Spiluttini; p.200 Jan Bitter; p.201 Agengalill Snitt; p.202 FBM Design; p.204 Ian Lawson; p.206l Domenic Mischol/Andreas Kessler; p.206r A.F. Kersting; p.207l Alan Delaney/Hopkins Associates; p.207r Santiago Calatrava; p.208l Paul Rochele
