正文 Chapter 57. ~61

Chapter 57.


日出前登上山! 夜間導遊叫醒我們 --- 我們一共六個 --- 然後我們煮了咖啡 (您絕對從未見過這麼多的咖啡渣! ) 然後走了2哩路到"一樹山"的山頂看日出。我們最後一段路爬得很慢。 太陽幾乎打敗我們! 或許您會想我們是餓得想吃早餐吧!

我原本打算要寫很多有關樹上的新葉的,還有遊樂場的新小徑,以及明天生物課的可怕測驗,還湖上的新船隻們,還有班代的小貓離家,然後已經留在佛格森大廈兩星期了直到任何一個女僕人打小報告為止,以及我的叄件新衣裳,不過我太困了。我老是把這當成借口,不是嗎? 不過女子大學是一個忙碌的地方,而我們一整天下來都真的累壞了! 尤其是當太陽升起時。



Chapter 58.




教練把繩子穿過我皮帶上後面的一個環,然後用屋頂上的一個鉤子來控制它。這應該會是一個很完美的方式,如果一個人可以完全相信教練是神智清醒的話。 我總是怕她會會把繩子放下,因此我緊張的一眼盯著她,用另一眼游泳,而這樣的分心讓我沒有學到我應有的進度。


我早該早些把這封信寫完的,不過一直沒有。您不介意吧,叔叔,如果我沒有按常理出牌的話? 我真的很喜歡寫信給您;這給我那種擁有家庭的尊敬感。您希望我跟您說件事嗎? 您不是我唯一的一個通信對象。還有另外兩個喔! 我一直接到傑夫主人又長又漂亮的信(信封上用打字的,這樣茱莉亞才認不出筆跡來)。 您有聽過這麼震驚的事嗎? 而每星期左右就有張很稚氣的紙條,通常是用學校的黃色紙張寫的,從普林斯頓寫來。我全都以處理公事的速度回信。所以您瞧---我跟一般的女孩子無異,我也收到信喔。

我有告訴您我被選為高年級戲劇社的會員嗎? 非常別緻的組織。只從1000人中選出75位會員。




Chapter 59. (中文缺。)

4th June

Dear Daddy,

Very busy time--e in ten days, examinations tomorrow;

lots of studying, lots of pag, and the outdoor world so lovely

that it hurts you to stay inside.

But never mind, vacations ing. Julia is going abroad this summer--

it makes the fourth time. No doubt about it, Daddy, goods are not

distributed evenly. Sallie, as usual, goes to the Adirondacks.

And what do you think I am going to do? You may have three guesses.

Lock Willow? Wrong. The Adirondacks with Sallie? Wrong.

(Ill tempt that again; I was disced last year.)

t you guess anything else? Youre not very iive.

Ill tell you, Daddy, if youll promise not to make a lot of objes.

I warn your secretary in advahat my mind is made up.

I am going to spend the summer at the seaside with a Mrs. Charles

Paterson and tutor her daughter who is to enter college iumn.

I met her through the McBrides, and she is a very charming woman.

I am to give lessons in English and Latin to the younger daughter,

too, but I shall have a little time to myself, and I shall be earning

fifty dollars a month! Doesnt that impress you as a perfectly

exorbitant amount? She offered it; I should have blushed to ask

for more thay-five.

I finish at Magnolia (thats where she lives) the first of September,

and shall probably spend the remaining three weeks at Lock Willow--

I should like to see the Semples again and all the friendly animals.

How does my programme strike you, Daddy?

I am getting quite indepe, you see.

You have put me on my feet and I think I almost walk alone by now.

Prion e and our examinatioly cide--

which is an awful blow. Sallie and I did so want to get away in time

for it, but of course that is utterly impossible.

Goodbye, Daddy. Have a nice summer and e ba the autumn

rested and ready for another year of work. (Thats what you ought

to be writing to me!) I havent any idea what you do in the summer,

or how you amuse yourself. I t visualize your surroundings.

Do you play golf or hunt or ride horseback or just sit in the sun


Anyway, whatever it is, have a good time and dont fet Judy.

Chapter 60.



這是我寫過最艱難的一封信了,不過我已經決定我該做的事,而且沒有轉圜的餘地。親愛的您今夏想送我出國真的是太好太大方了 --- 一開始我真的很想去;不過再仔細一想就說了不。如果我拒絕用您的錢來繳學費,反倒是拿它去玩樂這不很奇怪嗎。您不該讓我養成用好東西的習慣。一個人從未有過,就不會去懷念;不過一起了頭想著這些都是他/她(我們在此需要另一種語言)理應擁有的,要停下來就很難
