第四部分 百年專題 奎因主要作品列表



The Roman Hat Mystery(《羅馬帽子之謎》),1929

The French Powder Mystery(《弗蘭奇寓所粉末之謎》),1930

The Dutch Shoe Mystery(《荷蘭鞋之謎》),1931

The Greek Coffin Mystery(《希臘棺材之謎》),1932

The Egyptian ystery(《埃及十字架之謎》),1932

The Ameri Gun Mystery(《美國槍之謎》),1933

The Siamese Twin Mystery(《孿生之謎》),1933

The Adventures of Ellery Queen(《瘋狂下午茶》)短篇小說集,1934

●The Adventure of the Afri Traveller(非洲旅行者)

●The Adventure of the Hanging Acrobat(弔死的特技演員)

●The Adventure of the One·penny Black(黑便士)

●The Adventure of the Bearded Lady(有鬍子的女人)

●The Adventure of the Three Lame Men(三個跛子)

●The Adventure of the Invisible Lover(隱形的仰慕者)

●The Adventure of the Teakwood Case(柚木煙盒)

●The Adventure of「the Two·headed Dog」(兩頭狗)

●The Adventure of the Glass·domed Clock(玻璃圓頂鍾)

●The Adventure of the Seven Black(七隻黑貓)

●The Adventure of the Mad Tea·party(瘋狂下午茶)

The ese e Mystery(《中國橘子之謎》),1934

The Spanish Cape Mystery(《西班牙披肩之謎》),1935


* The Tragedy of X(《X之悲劇》),1932

* The Tragedy of Y(《Y之悲劇》),1932

* The Tragedy of Z(《Z之悲劇》),1933

* Drury Lane''s Last Case(《雷恩先生的最後探案》),1933

Halfway House(《半途之屋》),1936

The Door Between(《生死之門》),1937

The Devil to Pay(《惡魔的報酬》),1937

The Four of Hearts(《紅桃四》),1938

The Dragon''s Teeth(《龍牙》),1939

The New Adventures of Ellery Queen(《上帝之燈》)短篇小說集,1940

●The Adventure of the Treasure Hunt(尋寶遊戲)

●The Adventure of the Hollon(空洞的龍)

●The Adventure of the House of Darkness(黑暗之屋)

●The Adventure of the Bleeding Portrait(泣血的畫像)

●Man Bites Dog (人咬狗)

●Long Shot(長射)

●Mind over Matter(心靈勝於物質)

●Trojan Horse(木馬)

●The Lamp of God(上帝之燈)

Calamity Town(《凶鎮》),1942

There Was an Old Woman(《從前有個老女人》),1943

The Murderer Is a Fox(《狐狸兇手》),1945

Ten Days'' Wonder(《十日驚奇》),1948

any Tails(《九尾怪貓》),1949


The in of Evil(《惡之源》),1951

The King Is Dead(《王者已逝》),1952

dar of Crime(《犯罪日曆》),短篇小說集1952

●The Inner Circle(圈內小集團)

●The Presidents Half Disme(總統的半形銀幣)

●The Ides of Michael Magoon(馬古恩倒霉的日子)

●The Emperor''s Dice(皇帝的骰子)

●The Gettysburg Bugle(葛底斯堡軍號)

●The Medical Finger(醫藥手指)

●The Fallen Angel(墜落的天使)

●The Needle''s Eye(針眼)

●The Three R''s(三個R的秘密)

●The Dead Cat(死貓)

●The Telltale Bottle(故事瓶)

●The Dauphin''s Doll(皇儲的玩偶)

The Scarlet Letters(《猩紅的信》),1953

* The Glass Village(《玻璃村莊》),1954

QBI: Queen''s Bureau of Iigation(《QBI:奎因調查公司》)短篇小說集,1955

Ior Queen''s Own Case(《奎因探長自己的案子》),1956

The Finishing Stroke(《最後一擊》),1958

The Player oher Side(《另一方的玩家》,本書系Theodore Sturgeon根據丹奈創作的大綱寫成),1963

And on the Eighth Day(《然後在第八天》,本書系Avram Davidson根據丹奈創作的大綱寫成),1964

The Fourth Side of the Triangle(《三角形的第四邊》,本書系Avram Davidson根據丹奈創作的大綱寫成),1965

Queens Full(《奎因出擊》),短篇小說集1965

A Study in Terror(《恐怖的研究》),1966

Face to Face,(《臉對臉》)1967

The House of Brass(《銅屋》),1968

* Cop Out(《逃避》),1968

QED: Queens Experiments iion(《QED:奎因推理試驗》)短篇小說集,1968

The Last Woman in His Life(《他生命中最後的女人》),1969

A Fine and Private Place(《美好的私密之地》),1971
