正文 chapter 13

Again, as the absolute Diviy of loyalty taught by fucius secures the immortality of the ra the nation, so the cult of aor-worship taught in fuism secures the immortality of the ra the family. Ihe cult of aorworship in a is not founded mu the belief in a future life as in the belief of the immortality of the race. A ese, when he dies, is not soled by the belief that he will live a life hereafter, but by the belief that his children, grandchildren, great-grand-children, all those dearest to him, will remember him, think of him, love him, to the end of time, and in that way, in his imagination, dying, to a ese, is like going on a long, long journey, if not with the hope, at least with a great "perhaps" of meeting again. Thus this cult of aor-worship, together with the Diviy of loyalty, in fuism gives to the ese people the same sense of permanen their existence while they live and the same solatiohey die which the belief in a future life in religion gives to the mass of mankind in other tries. It is for his reason that the ese people attach the same importao this cult of aor-worship as they do to the principle of the Diviy of loyalty to the Emperor. Mencius said: "Of the three great sins against filial piety the greatest is to have no posterity." Thus the whole system of teag of fucius which I have called the State religion in a sists really only of two things, loyalty to the Emperor and filial piety to parents_in ese, g Hsiao. Intact, the three Articles of Faith, called in ese the san kang, three cardinal duties in -fuism or the State religion of a, are, in their order of importance_first, absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperor; sed, filial piety and aor-worship; third, inviolability of marriage and absolute submission of the wife to the husband. The last two of the three Articles were already in what I have called the Family religion, ion of the old dispensation in a before fucius time; but the first Article_absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperoi_was first taught by fucius and laid down by him iate religion ion of the new dispensation which he gave to the ese nation. This first Article of Faith_absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperoi_ in fuism takes the plad is the equivalent of the First Article of Faith in all religions_the belief in God. It is because fuism has this equivalent for the belief in God ion that fuism, as I have shown you, take the place ion, and the ese people, even the mass of the population in a, do not feel the need ion.

But now you will ask me how without a belief in God which religion teaches, how ake men, make the mass of mankind, follow and obey the moral rule which fucius teaches, the absolute duty of loyalty to the Emperor, as you by the authority of God which the belief in God gives, make men follow and obey moral rules given by religion? Before I answer your question, will you allow me first to point out to you a great mistake which people make in believing that it is the san given by the authority of God which makes mehe rules of moral duct. I told you that the san for the sacrament and inviolability of marriage in Europe is given by the

Church, and the authority for the san, the Church says, is from God. But I said that was only an outward formal san. The real true inner san for the inviolability of marriage as we see it in all tries where there is no Church religion, is the sense of honour, the law of the gentleman in the man and woman. Thus the real authority for the obligation to obey ru
