正文 chapter 2

Now in a because we ese have the Religion of good citizenship a man does not feel the need of using physical force to protect himself; he has seldom the need even to call in and use the physical force of the poli, of the State to protect him. A man in a is protected by the sense of justice of his neighbour; he is protected by the readiness of his fellow men to obey the sense of moral obligation. In fact, a man in a does not feel the need of using physical force to protect himself because he is sure that right and justice is reised by every body as a force higher than physical ford moral obligation is reised by every body as something which must be obeyed. Now if you get all mankind to agree tnise right and justice, as a force higher than physical force, and moral obligation as something which must be obeyed, then the use of physical force will bee unnecessary; then there will be no militarism in the world. But of course there will be in every try a few people, criminals, and in the world, a few savages who will not or are not able tnise right and justice as a force higher than physical ford moral obligation as something which must be obeyed. Thus a-gainst criminals and savages a certain amount of physical or police ford militarism will always be necessary in every try and in the world.

But people will say to me how are you to make mankind reise right and justice as a force higher than physical force. I ahe first thing you will have to do is to vince mankind of the efficacy ht and justice, vihem that right and justice is a power; in fact, vihem of the power of goodness. But then a-gain how are you to do this? Well, _in order to do this, the Religion of good citizenship in a teaches every child as soon as he is able to uand the meaning of words, that the Nature of man is good. *

Now the fual unsoundness of the civilisation of Europe to-day, it seems to me, lies in its wrong ception of human nature;

its ception that human nature is evil and because of this wrong ception, the whole structure of society in Europe has always rested upon force. The two things which the people of Europe have depended upon to maintain civil order are Religion and Law. In other words, the population of Europe have bee in order by the fear of God and the fear of the Law. Fear implies the use of force. Therefore in order to keep up the fear of God, the people of Europe had at first to maintain a large number of expensive idle persons called priests. That, to speak of nothing else, meant so much expehat it at last became an unbearable burden upon the people. In fa the thirty years war of the Reformation, the people of Europe tried to get rid of the priest. After having got rid of the priests who kept the population in order by the fear of God, the people of Europe tried to maintain civil order by the fear of the Law. But to keep up the fear of the Law, the people of Europe have had to maintain another class of still more expensive idle persons called poli and soldiers. Now the people of Europe are beginning to find out that the main-tainence of poli and soldiers to keep civil order, is still more ruinously expehahe maintainence of priests. In fact, as ihirty years war of the Reformation, the people of Europe wao get rid of the priest, so in this present war, what the people of Europe really want, is to get rid of the soldier. But the alternatives before the people of Europe if they want to get rid of the poli and soldier, is either to call bac
