正文 Hiding Man

Enter expeg to find the place empty (I. A. L. Burligame walks through any open door). But it is not, there is a man sitting halfway down the right side, heavy, Negro, well dressed, dark glasses. Decide after moments thought that if he is hostile, will flee through door marked EXIT (no bulb behi sign, ainty that it leads anywhere). The film is in progress, title Attack of the Puppet People. Previously observed films at same theater, Cool and the Crazy, She Gods of Shark Reef, Night of the Blood Beast, Diary of a High School Bride. All superior examples of geending toward suggested offs rapes, obse tortures: man with huge pliers advang on disheveled beauty, cut to girls face, to pliers, to mans face, to girl, scream, blackout.

"Its better when the place is full," observes Negro, lifting voice slightly to carry over Pinocchio noises from puppet people. Voice pleasant, eyes behind glasses sinister? Choice of responses: anger, agreement, indifference, pique, shame, scholarly dispute. Keep eye o, what about boy in lobby, what was kite for? "Of course its never been full." Apparently there is going to be a versation. "Not all these years. As a matter of fact, youre the first oo e in, ever."

"People dont always tell the truth."

Let him chew that. Boy in lobby wore T-shirt, prihereon, LADY OF THE SORROWS. Where glimpsed before? Possible agent of the spiracy, in the pay of the anization, duties: lying, spying, tapping wires, setting fires, civil disorders. Seat myself on opposite side of theater from Negro and observe film. S torn from top to bottom, a large rent, faces and parts of gestures fall off into the void. Hard-pressed U. S. Army, Ho John, Hound Dog, Wowser notwithstanding, psychological warfare and nerve gas notwithstanding, falls back at onrush of puppet people. Young lieutenant defends Army nurse (uniform in rags, tasty thigh, lovely breast) from obvious sexual i of splinter men.

"Dont you know the place is closed?" calls friend in friendly tone. "Didnt you see the sign?"

"The picture is on. And youre here."

Signs after all mean everyone, if there are to be exceptiohem be listed: soldiers, sailors, airmen, children with kites, dogs under suitable restraint, distressed gentlefolk, people who promise not to peek. Well-dressed Negroes behind dark glasses in closed theaters, the attempt to scrape acquaintahe helpful friend with the friendly word, note of menace as in Dragstrip Riot, as in Terror from the Year 5000. Childs play, amateur night, with whom do they think they have to deal?

"The silly thing just keeps running," alleges friend. "Thats whats so fasating. tinuous performances since 1944. Just keeps rolling along." Tilts head back, laughs theatrically. "It wasnt even any good then, for chrissake."

"Why do you keep ing back?"

"I dont think thats an iing question."

Friend looks bland, studies film. Fires have started in many areas, the music is demure. I entrust myself to these places advisedly, there are risks but so also are there risks in crossing streets, opening doors, looking strangers in the eye. Man ot live without plag himself naked before circumstance, as in warfare, uhe sea, jet planes, women. Flight is always available, cealment is alossible.

"What I meant was," tinues friend, animated now, smiling auring, "other theaters. When theyre full, you get lost in the crowd. Here, if anybody came in, theyd spot you in a minute. But most people, they believe the
