正文 Part Three-3

Out ireet again he saw that the clouds had turned a deep, angry purple. Iagnant air there was a storm smell.

The vivid green of the trees along the sidewalk seemed to steal into the atmosphere so that there was a strange greenish glow over the street. All was so hushed and still that Jake paused for a moment to sniff the air and look around him. Then he grasped his suitcase under his arm and began to run toward the awnings of the main street. But he was not quiough.

There was oallic crash of thunder and the air chilled suddenly. Large silver drops of rain hissed on the pavement.

An avalanche of water blinded him. When he reached the New

York Cafe his clothes g wet and shriveled to his body and his shoes squeaked with water.

Brannon pushed aside his neer and leaned his elbows on the ter. Now, this is really curious. I had this intuition you would e here just after the rain broke. I knew in my bones you were ing and that you would make it just too late. He mashed his h this thumb until it was white and flat. And a suitcase?』

It looks like a suitcase, Jake said. And it feels like a suitcase.

So if you believe iuality of suitcases I re this is one, all right.』

You ought not to stand around like this. Go on upstairs and throw me down your clothes. Louis will ruhem with a hot iron.』

Jake sat at one of the back booth tables aed his head in his hands. No, thanks. I just want to rest here a my wind again.』

But your lips are turning blue. You look all knocked up.』

Im all right. What I want is some supper.』

Supper wont be ready for half an hour, Brannon said patiently.

Any old leftovers will do. Just put them on a plate. You dont even have to bother to heat them.』

The emptiness in him hurt. He wao look her backward nor forward. He walked two of his short, ky fingers across the top of the table. It was more than a year now since he had sat at this table for the first time. And how much further was he now than then? No further. Nothing had happened except that he had made a friend and lost him. He had given Singer everything and then the man had killed himself. So he was left out on a limb. And now it to him to get out of it by himself and make a art again. At the thought of it panic came in him. He was tired. He leaned his head against the wall and put his feet on the seat beside him.

Here you are, Brannon said. This ought to help out.』

He put down a glass of some hot drink and a plate of chi pie. The drink had a sweet, heavy smell. Jake ihe

steam and closed his eyes. Whats in it?』

Lemon rind rubbed on a lump of sugar and boiling water with rum. Its a good drink.』

How much do I owe you?』

I dont know offhand, but Ill figure it out before you leave.』

Jake took a deep draught of the toddy and washed it around in his mouth before swallowing. Youll never get the money, he said. I dont have it to pay you—and if I did I probably wouldnt anyway.』

Well, have I been pressing you? Have I ever made you out a bill and asked you to pay up?』

No, Jake said. You been very reasonable. And sihink about it youre a right det guy—from the personal perspective, that is.』

Brannon sat across from him at the table. Something was on his mind. He slid the salt-shaker bad forth a smoothing his hair. He smelled like perfume and his striped blue shirt was very fresh and . The sleeves were rolled and held in place by old-fashioned bl
