正文 Part Two-4

It about our Willie. He been a bad boy and do hisself in mighty bad trouble. And us got to do something. Doctor Copeland walked from the hall with rigid steps. He stopped in the bedroom for his bathrobe, shawl, and slippers a back to the kit. Portia was waiting for him there. The kit was lifeless and cold. All right. What has he done? What is it? Just wait a minute. Just let me find brain room so I study it all out and tell it to you plain.』

He crushed some sheets of neer lying on thehearth and picked up a few sticks of kindling.

Let me make the fire, Portia said. You just sit down at the table, and soon as this here stove is hot us going to have a cup of coffee. Then maybe it all wont seem so bad.』

"There is not any coffee. I used the last of it yesterday. > When he said this Portia began to cry. Savagely she stuffed paper and wood into the stove and lighted it with a trembling hand. "This here the way it is, she said. Willie and Highboy were messing around tonight at a place where they got no business being. You know how I feels like I always got to keep my Willie and my Highboy close to me? Well, if Id been there none of this trouble would of e about. But I were at the Ladies Meeting at the churd them boys got restless.

They went down to Madame Rebas Palace of Sweet Pleasure.

And Father, this is sure one bad, wicked place. They got a man sells tickets on the bug— but they also got these strutting, bad-blood, tail-shaking nigger gals and these here red satin curtains and------』

Daughter, said Doctor Copeland irritably. He pressed his hands to the side of bis head. I know the place. Get to the point.』

Love Jones were there—and she is one bad cal.

Willie he drunk liquor and shimmied around with her until first thing you know he were in a fight. He were in a fight with this boy named Junebug—over Love. And for a while they fights there with their hands and then this Junebug got out his knife. Our Willie didnt have no knife, so he eo bellow and run around the parlor. Then finally Highboy found Willie a razor and he backed up and nearbout cut this Junebugs head off.』

Doctor Copeland drew his shawl closer around him. Is he dead?』

"That boy too mean to die. He in the hospital, but he going to be out and making trouble again before long.』

And William?』

The polie in and taken him to the jail in the Black Maria. He still locked up.』

And he did not get hurt?』

Oh, he got a busted eye and a little k cut out his behind.

But it wont bother him none. What I t uand is how e he would be messing around with that Love. She at least ten shades blacker than I is and she the ugliest nigger I ever seen. She walk like she have a egg

between her legs and dont want to break it. She aint even . And here Willie do the buck like this over her.』

Doctor Copeland leaned closer to the stove and groaned. He coughed and his face stiffened. He held his paper handkerchief to his mouth and it became spotted with blood.

The dark skin of his face took on a greenish pallor.

Course Highboy e and tell me soon as it all happened.

Uand, my Highboy didnt have nothing to do with these here bad gals. He were just keeping Willie pany. He so grieved about Willie he been sitting out oreet curb in front of the jail ever sihe fire-colored tears rolled down Portias face. You know how us three has always been. Us haves our own plan and nothing ever went wrong with it
