正文 16

Faire Ahy desire which tends to know

The works of God, thereby to glorifie [ 695 ]

The great Work-Maister, leads to no excess

That reaches blame, but rather merits praise

The more it seems excess, that led thee hither

From thy Empyreal Mansion thus alone,

To witness with thine eyes what some perhaps [ 700 ]

tented with report hear onely in heavn:

For wonderful indeed are all his works,

Pleasant to know, and worthiest to be all

Had in remembrance alwayes with delight;

But what created mind prehend [ 705 ]

Thir number, or the wisdom infinite

That brought them forth, but hid thir causes deep.

I saw when at his Word the formless Mass,

This worlds material mould, came to a heap:

fusion heard his voice, and wilde uproar [ 710 ]

Stood ruld, stood vast infinitude find;

Till at his sed bidding darkness fled,

Light shon, and order from disorder sprung:

Swift to thir several Quarters hasted then

The cumbrous Elements, Earth, Flood, Aire, Fire, [ 715 ]

And this Ethereal quintessence of Heavn

Flew upward, spirited with various forms,

That rowld orbicular, and turnd to Starrs

Numberless, as thou seest, and how they move;

Each had his place appointed, each his course, [ 720 ]

The rest in circuit walles this Universe.

Look downward on that Globe whose hither side

With light from hehough but reflected, shines;

That place is Earth the seat of Man, that light

His day, which else as th other Hemisphere [ 725 ]

Night would invade, but there the neighb Moon

(So call that opposite fair Starr) her aide

Timely interposes, and her monthly round

Still ending, still renewing through mid Heavn,

With borrowd light her teriform [ 730 ]

Hence fills aies to enlighten th Earth,

And in her pale dominion checks the night.

That spot to which I point is Paradise,

Adams abode, those loftie shades his Bowre.

Thy way thou st not miss, me mine requires. [ 735 ]

Thus said, he turnd, and Satan bowing low,

As to superior Spirits is wont in Heaven,

Where honour due and reverenone s,

Took leave, and toward the coast of Earth beh,

Down from th Ecliptic, sped with hopd success, [ 740 ]

Throws his steep flight in many an Aerie wheele,

Nor staid, till on Niphates top he lights.

The End of the Third Book.
