正文 -2






IN addition to washing the buildings, we make baby food, ese baby food:

BABY BOW YEE (chopped pork and ese vegetables)

BABY DOW SHEW (bean curd stuffed with ground pike)

BABY JAR HAR (shrimp in batter)

BABY GOOK SHAR SHEeet roast pork)

BABY PIE GUAT (pork and oysters in soy sauce)

BABY GAI GOON (chi, bean sprouts and cabbage)

BABY DIM SUM (ground pork and ese vegetables)

BABY JING SHAR SHEeet roast pork and apples)

That is how we spend our time, tending the vats. Although sometimes we spend our time washing the buildings. The vats and the buildings have made us rich. It is amazing how many mothers will spring for an attractively packaged jar of Baby Dim Sum, a tasty-looking potlet of Baby Jing Shar Shew Bow. Heigh-ho. The recipes came from our father. "Try to be a man about whom nothing is known," our father said, when we were young. Our father said several other iing things, but we have fotten what they were. "Keep quiet," he said. That we remember. He wanted more quiet. Oends to want that, in a National Park. Our father was a man about whom nothing was known. Nothing is known about him still. He gave us the recipes. He was not very iing. A tree is more iing. A suitcase is more iing. A ed good is more iing. When we sing the father hymice that he was not very iing. The words of the hymn notice it. It is explicitly ented upon, iext.

"I UAND all this about Bill," Henry said. He had unlocked the locks on the bar and we were all drinking. "heless I think somebody ought to build a fire under him. He needs a good ki the back acc to my way of thinking. Couldnt we give him a book to read that would get him started. It bothers me to e in at night and see him sitting there playis or something, all that potential being pissed away. We are little children pared to him, in terms of possibility, a all he seems to want to do is sit around the game room, and shuffle the Bezique cards, and throw darts and that sort of thing, when he could be out realizing his potential. We are like little balls of dust under his feet, potentially, and he merely sits there making ships itles, and doing scrimshaw, and all that, when he could be out maximizing his possibilities. Boy I would like to build a fire uhat boy. Ill be damned if I know what to do about this situation which is vexing me in a hundred ways. Its just such a damned shame and crime I t stand it, the more I think about it. I just want to go out and hurl boxes in the river, the more I think about it, and rage against fate, that one so obviously chosen to be the darling of the life-principle should be so i, impious and wrong. I am just about at the end of my tether, boys, and Ill say that to his face, too!"

AT dinner we discussed the psychiatrist. "And the psychiatrist?" we said. "He was unfivable," she said. "Unfivable?" "He said I was uing." "Uing?" "He said I was a screaming bore." "He should not have said that." "He said he wasnt in this for the money." "For what then?" "He was in this frins, he said." "The expression is unfamiliar." "There were not a million grins in my history, he said." "That was shabby of him." "He said lets go to a movie fods sake." "And?" "We went to a movie." "Which?" "A Charltoon." "How was it?" "Excellent." "Who paid?" "He." "Was there pop?" "Mars Bars." "Did you hold hands?" "Naturellement.
