正文 The Leap

-- Today we make the leap to faith. Today.

-- Today?

-- Today.

-- Were really going to do it? At last?

-- Spent too much time fooling around. Today we do it.

-- I dont know. Maybe were not ready?

-- I am cheered by the wine of possibility and the growing popularity of light. Todays the day.

-- Youre serious.

-- Intensely. First, we examine our sces.

-- I am a double-minded man. Have always been a double-minded man.

-- Each examining his own sce, rooting out, naming, remembering and re-experieng every last little k and wrinkle. Root and branch.

-- Smiting each sce hip and thigh.

-- Thigh and hip. Smite! Smite!

-- God is good and we are but poor wretches who --

-- Wait.

-- Poor slovening wretches who but for the goodness of God would --

-- Wait. This will be painful, you know. A bit.

-- Oh my God.

-- What?

-- I just had a thought.

-- A prick of sce.

-- Yes. Item 34.

-- Whats Item 34?

-- An unkindness. One of a series. Series long as your arm.

-- You list them separately.

-- Yes.

-- You dont just throw them all together into a great big trash bag labeled --

-- No. I sweat eae. Seriatim.

-- I said it would be painful.

-- Might we postpo?

-- Meditate instead on His works? Their magnifice.

-- Not that we could in a hundred million years exhaust --

-- Its a sort of if-a-bird-took-one-grain-of-sand-and-flew-all-his-life-and-then-another-bird-took-anrain-of-sand-and-flew-all-his-life situation.

-- plate only the animals. Restrict the field. Course we got over a million species, so far. New ones being identified every day. Is, mostly.

-- I like plants better than animals.

-- Animals give you a lot of warmth. A dog would be an example.

-- I like people better than plants, plants better than animals, paintings better than animals, and music better than animals.

-- Praising the animals, then, would not be your first impulse.

-- I respect the animals. I admire the animals. But could we plate something else?

-- Take a glass of water, for example. A glass of water is a miraculous thing.

-- The blue of the sky, against which we find the shog green of the leaves of the trees.

-- The trees. "I think that I shall never see slash A poem lovely as a tree."

-- "A tree whose hungry mouth is prest slash Against the earths sweet flowing breast."

-- Why "mouth"?

-- Why "breast"?

-- The w of the creative mind.

-- An unfathomable mystery.

-- o be fathomed.

-- I wouldnt even want to fathom it. If ohomed it, who say what frightful things might thereupohomed?

-- Fathoming such is beyond the powers of poor ravening noodles like ourselves, who but for the --

-- And ahing. The human voice.

-- My God youre right. The human voice.

-- Bessie Smith.

-- Alice Babs.

-- Joan Armatrading.

-- Aretha Franklin.

-- Each voice testifying to the greater honor and glory of God, ea its own way.

-- Damn straight.

-- Sweet Emma Barrett the Bell Gal.

-- Got you.

-- Das Lied von der Erde.

-- I couldnt agree more.

-- Then there are the bad things. cer.

-- An unfathomable mystery, at this point. But one which must iably succumb to the inexorable forward march of stific progress.

-- Eiequality.

-- In my vi
