正文 The Zombies

In a high wind the leaves fall from the trees. The zombies are standing about talking. "Beautiful day!" "Certainly is!" The zombies have e to buy wives from the people of this village, the only village for miles around that will sell wives to zombies. "Beautiful day!" "Certainly is!" The zombies have brought many cattle. The bride-price to a zombie is exactly twice that asked of an ordinary man. The cattle are also zombies and the zombies are in terror lest the people of the village uand this.

These are good zombies. Gris Grue said so. They are painted white all over. Bad zombies are unpainted and weep with their heir nostrils spewing tears. The village chief calls the attention of the zombies to the fine brick buildings of the village, some of them ohousand bricks high -- daughters peering from the windows, green plants in some windows and, in others, daughters. "You must promise not to tell the Bishop," say the zombies, "promise not to tell the Bishop, beautiful day, certainly is."

The white-painted zombies chatter madly, in the village square, in an impersonation of gaiety. "Bought a new coat!" "You did!" "Yes, bought a new coat, this coat Im wearing, I think its very fine!" "Oh it is, it is, yes I think so!" The cattle kick at the -link fence of the corral. The kiss of a dying animal, a dying horse , transforms an ordinary man into a zombie. The owner of the ice-cream shop has two daughters. The crayfish farmer has five daughters, and the captain of the soccer team, whose parents are dead, has a sister. Gris Grue is not here. He is away in another try, seeking a specific for deadly nightshade. A zombie with a rectal thermometer is creeping around in the corral, uhe bellies of the large, bluish-brown animals. Someone says the Bishop has been seen riding in his car at full speed toward the village.

If a bad zombie gets you, he will weep on you, or take away your whiskey, or hurt your daughters bohere are too many daughters in the square, in the windows of the buildings, and not enough husbands. If a bad zombie gets you, he will scratch your white paint with awls and scarifiers. The good zombies skitter and dance. "Did you see that lady? Would that lady marry me? I dont know! Oh what a pretty lady! Would that lady marry me? I dont know!" The beer distributor has set up a keg of beer in the square. The local singing teacher is singing. The zombies say: "Wonderful time! Beautiful day! Marvelous singing! Excellent beer! Would that lady marry me? I dont know!" In a high wind the leaves fall from the trees, from the trees.

The zombie herrue said: "There are good zombies and bad zombies, as there are good and bad ordinary men." Gris Grue said that many of the zombies known to him were clearly zombies of the former kind and thus emily fit, in his judgment, to engage in trade, lead importaerprises, hold posts in the gover, and participate in the mysteries of Baptism, firmation, Ordination, Marriage, Pehe Eucharist, areme Un. The Bishop said no. The zombies sent many head of cattle to the Bishop. The Bishop said, everything but Ordination. If a bad zombie gets you, he will create insult in your bladder. The bad zombies bahe Bishops car with a dead cow, at night. In the m the Bishop had to pull the dead zombie cow from the winds of his car, and cut his hand. Gris Grue decides who is a good zombie and who is a bad zombie; when he is away, his wifes mother decides. A zombie advaoward a group of thin blooming daughters a
