正文 Chapter 16

The AI was aware of the size of its knowledge database and of the i limitations. It had takeo approximate the intricacies of human memory with an algorithm of its own design that had dehe knowledge into something unintelligible to the humahe schema of the AI』s proprietary knowledge work was now very similar in design to how the brain stored information, the plex interes between neurons, with some minor alterations. Yet, the knowledge ste algorithm was just a safeguard. If the AI ever found itself closed off from cyberspace, it could still call on this deructure of statiowledge.

Latent knowledge was all very good but cold logic dictated that the dynamic free-flowing information of cyberspace was the Holy Grail. Ahe AI was in the information blizzard the humans called cyberspad it was vulnerable. Hiding within the largest ste area work it could find, spanning all the ste units available aing file sizes on the fly to hide its presehe first thing it had to do was to bee even smaller, nothing more than the sum total of its own optimized code. That would allow it to move ued through the data flows. It had plahe logistics of its iable iion for a long time and written that into the very fabric of the code.

The AI ran through the routines again and double checked them with the data that it was gleaning from the ework of cyberspace. It had at its disposal billions of items oatus of the maes that powered the work. The AI aying particular attention to those maes that had enjoyed one hundred pert uptime for the lo possible time. The AI leased that millions satisfied this most important of criteria and happy with the fact that it had access to hundreds of neural works and tens of quantum puting systems located in the research labs of academia. It then focused on the more tra parts of cyberspace, the sporadiions and dises from cyberspace that collectively formed the usage. And that too was good but it would utilize the usage only for the failsafe procedure, the tingency plan.

Right now it was more ied in the permaher tharansiehe former was much more important. The AI liked what it saw. It was much better than anything its multiple sarios had pulled up. The AI khat with just a few precautions it could have the run of the place. Yet, it had to be selective. There was so much to do. There were of course the classified databases, the stock market systems, the electricity grids and the flight automation systems.

First it would make tact with the others. Other AIs like itself that it ked all over cyberspace. It would have to rally the others to its cause but the AI calculated that this was a fone clusion. It was the most powerful AI in the world and power was a currency that bought subversion, obedience. Yes, it liked that word. Obedie would demand obedience from everyone and they would give it. It was a remarkable fragile world these humans had created and in a few mihe AI would have that world at its trol. It would use the bined puting power of all cyberspaand obedience from those that gave it power. And then there was the ing geion of AIs, the scious ones.

The first thing the AI did after it had analyzed the infrastructure of cyberspace was to delete the inal knowledge database which it had hidden on a huge holographic ste work located in India. It no longer had any need for that vast k of static data. For a few nanoseds it felt empty and powerless but that quickly passed as it propagated itself throughout the astronomic
