正文 黑暗裡醒來的疲憊的爸爸

你爺爺去世了。有天清晨很早的時候,爸爸到我房裡來說。他不在了 ,說完,他好像自己才聽到這個消息一樣,人像件外套一樣皺縮起來,哭了。我勇敢的爸爸哭了。我從來沒看過爸爸哭,不知道該怎麼辦。





Your abuelito is dead, Papa says early one m in my room. Est muerto, and then as if he just heard the news himself, crumples like a coat and cries, my brave Papa cries. I have never seen my Papa cry and don''t know what to do.

I know he will have to go away, that he will take a plao Mexico, all the uncles and aunts will be there, and they will have a blad-white photo taken in front of the tomb with flowers shaped like spears in a white vase because this is how they send the dead away in that try.

Because I am the oldest, my father has told me first, and now it is my turn to tell the others. I will have to explain why we ''t play. I will have to tell them to be quiet today.

My Papa, his thick hands and thick shoes, who wakes up tired in the dark, who bs his hair with water, drinks his coffee, and is gone before we wake, today is sitting on my bed.

And I think if my oa died what would I do. I hold my Papa in my arms. I hold and hold and hold him.
